Salam Pengenalan Semua!!
10 months ago
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
The terms and conditions is simple:
1.Contestant must fill in the question above.
2. Add as the followers.
3. Say something to the owner of the blog.
owner die comel... blog die kemas.. bersih je.. sure owner pon pembersih cam blog...
4. Leave your URL Contest at the comment above.
5. Promote/Tag this contest to your friends.
Ai post kat fesbuk .... ok?
6. Put the picture of contest on your wall.
Syarat-syaratnya:1. Terbuka kepada semua yang mempunyai blog, warganegara dan mempunyai alamat di Malaysia.
2. Buat entry di blog korang mengenai giveaway ni dengan tajuk: Mama Kembar 3 Buat Giveaway, Yay!
3. Jadi follower blog "Mama Kembar 3" DAN "Itsy Bitsy Secrets".
4. Copy & letak gambar banner giveaway ni di entry dan sidebar blog korang beserta link nya.
5. Tag sekurang-kurangnya 3 orang untuk join giveaway ni & maklumkan pada diorang yer.
6. Tinggalkan url link entry and ID follower korang di ruangan komen post ini.
7. Hadiah berupa barangan Victoria's Secret & Telekung Travel ditaja oleh Itsy Bitsy Secrets ~ WAJIB sebut tentang hadiah ni dalam entry korang yer.
8. Tarikh tutup: 6 Januari 2011
Syarat-syarat Penyertaan...
- Anda adalah seorang blogger (means kena ada blog sendiri naa)
- Menetap di Malaysia, x kisah la kt Semenanjung, Sabah n Sarawak
- Pastu, Copy Paste jer entry nie, letak kt entri korg, wajib buat entry secara Sticky POst kt blog masing2.. (Toturial camna nk buat sticky post leh study kt SINI)..
- sorg leh join satu entry ja taaaaauu..
- LEpas siap jer entri korg, korg komen jer entry nie, pastu jgn lupa letak link entry tu skali ek..
- Akhir skali.. jgn lupa jadik follower mummy..
- Tarikh tutup Lucky draw nie 23 Oct 2010 (nie tarikh utk sticky korg ek), nnt lepas tarikh nie, korg leh buang dah date tu
- Nanti mummy akan pilih pemenang guna menda INI